Monday, December 30, 2019

The American Constitution, A Staple Of Modern Democracy.

The American Constitution, a staple of modern democracy. The shining jewel of how a country is supposed to be run effectively. In the 220+ years that this country has been founded, the powers of the federal government have grown exponentially. The Framers, influential white men from the original 13 colonies(minus Rhode Island), consisted of those who wanted a strong central government and those for strong state rights. Together, through a series of compromises, the Framers created the original unamend Constitution. Once sent out to the states for ratification, it was sent back to include the civil liberties that every citizen has, The Bill of Rights. After four years, the Constitution was ratified, and became the law of the new†¦show more content†¦The Articles failed to lead the country through war debts, multistate and international trade agreements, and Shay’s Rebellion. Like any war, the American Revolution was very expensive to have, especially on their own turf. The country borrowed money from the richer states in the form of war bonds, and when it was time to pay up, the country did not have the money, and defaulted on repayment. Congress did have the ability to create coin, but no ability to back it up. Plus, without having access to tax (the states kept rejecting Congress’s proposal), there was no way to raise revenue. After the war was over, multiple states made trade agreements with different, and at times, conflicting countries. This was a dangerous game, because as states in the same ‘unified’ country, a foreign entity may see one state trading with a country that they do not associate with, and another state may miss out on that trade opportunity that might benefit the country as a whole. The catalyst that brought the entire Articles down is Shay’s Rebellion. 1500 farmers marched to the Massachusetts capital to ensure the state does not close their mortgages, and the state government was too broke to must er up an army. After the other states refusal to help, Massachusetts had to use private funds to pay an army to put it down. All in all the Articles of Confederation created a weak central government, which led the Founders having to come together(O’Connor 32-34).Show MoreRelatedInnovation on American Soil 865 Words   |  4 Pagescreative and forward-thinking might. With many of the most commonly used pieces of technology having their origins in the United States, it is safe to say that every generation of America has changed the world with their brilliant minds. Innovating on American soil actually began long before America did. â€Å"On March 6, 1646, Joseph Jenckes received the first mechanical patent in North America. Issued by the General Court of Massachusetts, it protected his mill for manufacturing scythes† (â€Å"US Patent History†)Read MoreAge Of Enlightenment755 Words   |  4 PagesUnited States of America and France, encouraging the American and French Revolutions. 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