Thursday, October 24, 2019

The Impact Technology Has on Education Essay -- Computers Networking E

The Impact Technology Has on Education missing works cited Technology is not a new concept. Humans are constantly inventing new items that will make their lives easier and more enjoyable. In the early 1800s, a technological invention was introduced into classrooms that would prove to "have a profound impact on teaching." Advocates felt that the invention would prove to be invaluable and it was placed in classrooms around the country. In the beginning, teachers needed to be encouraged to use this new technology. They were given step-by-step instructions on how to integrate its use into their lessons. Today it is hard to imagine a classroom that doesn’t have this technology†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.the chalkboard! In the twentieth century, a variety of new devices were invented that provided new ways for teachers to present their lessons. When motion pictures entered the classrooms, people thought that books would become obsolete. Some people thought that it would be possible to teach every branch of human knowledge with the motion picture and it would soon replace the teacher. These inventions, which are only two of hundreds, have not made the teacher’s role obsolete. They have simply provided tools to make teaching and the learning experience more effective and enjoyable. Some people believe that by introducing computers into classrooms, society is beginning to replace the role of teachers with today’s technology. This is untrue. Although it will, and it has, changed the role of the teacher, as well as the role of the student, the computer, just as the motion picture and the chalkboard will enhance the classroom. It will bring about new techniques of teaching and learning. Computers and networking are an important part of today’s society. ... ...ciates, Inc †¢ More on Distance Education: TEAMS Distance Learning Satellite Educational Resources Cyberschool Aphelion Access2Education †¢ Links to Teacher and Student Resources Education world Federal Resources ed. Excellence Education Planet Worldwide Classroom †¢ Links to Disability sites American Asso. Of University Affiliated Programs Equal Access to Software Information Education Emancipation Disabled Manpower Deaf Education Option Web

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