Saturday, February 29, 2020

Buyer and consumer behaviour Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 1

Buyer and consumer behaviour - Assignment Example As a result the brand performance of these companies is better than Nando’s. This first food company has low brand awareness and for this reason Nando’s is earning less revenue than other. Duplication of the Purchase Law has been highlighted in this case. Importance of brand attitude regarding Nando’s is focused in this assignment. Brand salience is important for this company. For this reasons various issues have been highlighted in this assignment regarding the implementation of various salient features in Nando’s. Factors related to demographic segmentation which influence the performance of the company have been focused here. The major competitive brands of Nando’s are McDonalds, Hungry Jacks, KFC, Subway etc. All of these brands are able to capture huge amount of market share and customers. All the competitive brands have implemented effective marketing strategies for which they are able to penetrate their target market efficiently. With the innovative food products KFC, McDonalds, Subway etc are able to satisfy their customers. They have made a good connection with the customers and establish strong relationship with them. The company Nando’s has its business in many countries of the world but it is not so efficient in its marketing strategies. For this reason the company is not able to beat its competitors. Most of the people prefer purchasing food products form McDonalds’, KFC, Hungry Jacks and Subway. As a result the purchasing frequencies of these companies’ products are higher than Nandos. The buyer of Nando’s purchases its food products 1.1 times for a given per iod of time. This company is able to penetrate only 23% of its target market. The brand Nandos does not have any loyal customer. But all of its competitive brands except Subway have many loyal customers. This is one of the important reason for which the sale of Nandos

Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Thesis on Nickel and Dimed Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Thesis on Nickel and Dimed - Essay Example In the one month, he worked fulltime, and he would live only off the amount he would earn in the low wage jobs. His main objective was to determine whether she would be able to live off the money earned. Whether the money would be enough to cater for other services such as rent. I have preferred using the book Nickel and Dimed because I have the same feeling towards low earning workers. As addressed, they experience hard working times in their place of their work. The low earnings earned put these workers in a situation where they are even unable to cater for basic wants such as food, clothing, and shelter. There are also uncertainties caused by unpredictable environment for working. The managers take advantage of low income earners, and they dispose them to cases of unexpected retrenchments and sackings. The managers also expect their workers especially the low qualified ones to work for extended hours, which are not even equivalent to their salaries. Some of the workers problems th ese low earning workers face gets to the extent of physical harassment by their employers (Ehrenreich 25). For example, working as a waiter, one should provide quality services, which will be appealing to the customers. The aim of the hotel owner is to provide quality services to customers so as to maintain a reputable image for hotel. However, managers have a challenge in the provision of these quality services as they also demand qualified manpower. Qualified manpower also comes hand in hand with the better payment. Managers have to employ low income earners as their resources are efficient to them. Most low income earners also do not have a problem in performing difficult and physically demanding tasks. In relation to Barbara Ehrenreich, she worked once worked as waitress where she had difficult as some of the tasks involved were physically demanding. Waiters also face problems in coping with some difficult situations in their working environment. In case of any loss or breakages of items, the workers have accountability of it. This discourages workers as some of the items destroyed are expensive and considering their low income they cannot afford. Another problem waiter faces are about the mode of communication used. Most of the low income earners are not well equipped with etiquette qualities required for efficient provision of these services. There is a language barrier where most of the low income earners travel in far countries, and may have a hard time learning the local language of their location. Language barrier discourage efficient communication among workers and also between the workers and management. In relation Ehrenreich, she finds a hard time relating with managers and usually has a hard time hence becoming a source of problems in her job. These inefficiencies the workers face make them not to have a working environment (Ehrenreich 58). When Ehreinreich is unable to cope with hotel jobs, she heads to Maine. She succeeds with nursing home job . In relation to this, low income earners also do not keep on one job for a long time because of prevailing problems. A low income worker is ready to work in any environment as he does not have any qualification in any job. Considering the increased number of nursing homes due to calamities caused by political instabilities in many countries, low income earners use that chance as a job opportunity. There in nursing homes